Market-based solutions for the poorest?

This third week of GHP 547 has probably been the one where I have felt the most rich learning has taken place, both for the social entrepreneurs I am working with, and for myself, which I am very grateful for. Discussing some of the take-aways with my J-term classmates and Professor Langer and Nora has…

10 Things I Learned & Am Grateful For:

After additional phone calls and meetings, I sat at my desk, rethinking some of the confounders that I had considered. Speaking to a lawyer that has experience in violence in several global settings, I gained a new perspective on the diverse policies and legal regulations that Jordan may have towards the Syrian refugees and how…

Until What’s Next

Yacine Fall January 21st, 2022 I have delayed writing this all day because I honestly cannot believe I am at the end of week three. I have absolutely loved working here and I am really proud of my work. Today I finished typing my report after a final week of essential interviews. My three takeaways…

Course Blog- Week 3

BY FREDRICK LARBI KWAPONG, MPH 45, GHP It is very sad that all too soon, the 3- week period has ended but this process has been very insightful and I am happy to have been a part of this cohort for the Field Experience in Maternal Health. For this last week, I have been having…

Week 3: A Strong Foundation

This week our KMET partners have been working to inform the Migori county health officials and the facility leaders about our study protocol. They have also helped us to prepare a budget for reimbursing interviewees for their personal cellular data use during the interviews as well as for their time. Maddi and I have peer-reviewed…

Week 3: Setting the Stage

This week we are sitting tight while the KMET team members over in Kenya are diligently organizing affiliated facilities, leadership, and healthcare workers in Migori county. One important task was preparing a budget proposal. We wanted to (A) ensure that interviewees were being adequately remunerated for their time and provided with the resources necessary to…

Reflections on scaling

Another productive week!. We have had multiple zoom calls and a lot of activity via email and Whastapp. Because two of the social enterprises that I am working with (Corpus and Njureel ) have started partnering, we now do 3-way calls, which is working out very well for collaborative brainstorming, planning, and trouble-shooting. To re-cap,…


BY FREDRICK LARBI KWAPONG MPH 45- GLOBAL HEALTH AND POPULATION This week has been very amazing and meeting all these great minds doing their best to improve maternal and neonatal health is very incredible. I started this week with a task of expanding literature review on ultrasound use in antenatal care in low-and middle- income…

Opportunities for ASRH through Covid

Yacine Fall 01/14/2021 This was a dense and exciting week at the health department. I came into Monday thinking I would get my meeting done then have a draft of my recommendation completed. The week required more flexibility and challengers me to think critically about my plan. I got to meet with staff representing both…

Working with social entrepreneurs in Senegal

It has been a good, productive first week working with the three Senegalese social entrepreneurs I am placed with: Mbathio Dieng, Ousmane Ly and Awa Ndiaye. These are the respective pilots they are implementing: Keur Yaye (Links to an external site.) Sunu Jigeen (Links to an external site.) Sama Bajene (Links to an external site.) This week we…